Adaptational Attractiveness: In the manga, he starts off plain and downright funny-looking. The series' circumstances force him to become a hardened survivor. Tenma is initially an average person, insofar as a well-known brain surgeon can be average. An Aesop: In-universe, he gives some of these. He is, however, shortly promoted after the mysterious murders of three of his superiors, and continues working at the hospital until it is revealed to him that the boy he risked his career to save is, in fact, a mass murderer. In spite of his Director's explicit orders, he decides to operate on a critically wounded boy instead of the city's mayor, which results in his demotion and the break-up of his engagement. The protagonist of the series, he is a Japanese neurosurgeon working in Düsseldorf, Germany. If a direct link led you to this page, please edit it to point to the correct work or trope.Voiced by: Hidenobu Kiuchi (JP), Liam O'Brien (EN) The one under your bed that eats your shoes. The Monsters Who Always Lie, a Death Note Continuation fic. Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, a Nickelodeon cartoon about three monsters who lived under a dump and attended monster school. You Monster!, a Stock Phrase characters say to people they consider monsters. Complete Monster, a YMMV item about a villain who is the most degenerate in a work, provokes fear or hatred in all the characters and is completely devoid of redeeming features. #TVTROPES DEMONSTAR SERIES#
Monster Hunter, a popular video game series that bears some semblance to the above, but replaces the cute monsters with big nasty dinosaur monsters and the Gotta Catch 'Em All with "kill or be killed".See Monster Rancher, Pokémon, Shin Megami Tensei et al. Mons, little (often cute) monsters that you capture and train to fight for you against each other.Monsters at Work, a Disney+ series continuing from the end of the first film (but before the epilogue).Monsters University, the prequel film where monsters attend a college to learn about proper scaring.Monsters, Inc., the Pixar film with monsters playing the role of Punch-Clock Villain.Monster! - A direct to video film about a film director whose monster movies come to life every three years to wreak havoc on a small town.Monsters: - A British sci-fi thriller released in 2010, directed by Gareth Edwards.Monsters: - A horror anthology series from The '80s about, um, monsters.The Monster - An Alien Invasion short story by A.
The Monster - A 1925 horror movie starring Lon Chaney.Monster: A Novel of Frankenstein - An adaptation of Frankenstein from the POV of the creature.
Monster - A book about a guy named Monster Dionysus trying to survive real life around his job of capturing cryptozoological monsters while putting up with a girlfriend who's a real monster.
It won Theron several awards including an Oscar Award and Roger Ebert called it one of the best films of that decade.
Monster - A 2003 American film Based on a True Story about a female serial killer played by Charlize Theron with nothing at all in common with the above anime.
Monster - A manga and anime written by Naoki Urasawa about a doctor who must hunt down a Serial Killer he feels responsible for letting loose on the world as a child. A term so broad and popular for work titles that we had to write this page to cover all our bases (and The Other Wiki covers even more of them than we do). A being of frightening and inhuman appearance and/or demeanor, and quite possibly inhuman origin.