Contact me if you are not satisfactory with the item. RETURN POLICY All sales are final, no return available. Nature Animals Arthropods Insects Butterflies & Moths Butterflies Nymphalidae Apaturinae Apaturini Apatura laverna. The genus Apatura comprises of 4 species, 2 of which - iris and ilia, have a widespread distribution covering most of Europe and temperate Asia. We are happy to provide you the best service and the best products. Apatura laverna is a butterfly found in the Palearctic that belongs to the emperors group within the brushfooted family. Apatura laverna ingår i släktet Apatura och familjen praktfjärilar.12 Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.
#Apatura laverna free
Any suggestion for us to improve our service please feel free to let us know. Apatura laverna1 är en fjärilsart som beskrevs av John Henry Leech 1892. contact and feedback We sorry to left negative feedback if t are no response to our confirmation mail in 5 days. 1914 (C) Protogoniomorpha parhassus Drury, 1782 (D) Hypolimnas bolina Linnaeus, 1758 (E) Apatura laverna Leech, 1893 (F) Charaxes zoolina Westwood. We will give discount shipping and handling cost, $2 for every your additional item(s), We ship to Worldwide in the same flat rate ,Shipping Period is about 6-20 days. we will tell you after we send the items. All items are shipped from china for you by Standard International AIR within 3 days after Payment completed. Grading: male A1 female A1- shipping and handing Please confirm your name and address after payment completed.Quality for sale: 1 pair (folded and unmounted) ãee.Description Length of fore wing of males: 3040 mm females: 3341 mm. Apatura iris recidiva China (N Sichuan) male A-4.50: Apatura iris recidiva China (N Sichuan) male: 9.00: Apatura laverna laverna China (N Sichuan) male A-9.00: Apatura laverna laverna China (N Sichuan) male: 18.00: Apatura metis heijona Russia (the Far East, S Primorye) male: 7.00: Apatura metis substitula Far East Russia (Primorye reg. The female wings on the upper side are black with. On the hind wings, the yellow spots of the postdiscal and submarginal rows are the same in width.

The front wing of males is at the base with 2 wide yellow strokes, one in the central cell, and the second underneath. Collection Data: LuZhou of SiChuan, China 2007. Apatura laverna (lat.) - day butterfly from the family of nymphalids (Nymphalidae). Length of fore wing of males: 3040 mm females: 3341 mm.Name Of butterfly : Apatura laverna Leech.You will get the pair of butterfly in the picture.